Monday, February 27, 2012

Networking Event with Discover Financial!

Last month Women in Business (WIB) members were visited by Discover Financial, one of the most historically innovative financial services companies. Members were presented with a brief overview of the company's business and structure. Then, over a very delicious pasta dinner, members were able to chat in small groups with the recruiters and get to know a lot about the company regarding undergraduate opportunities (job-shadowing and internships), and corporate culture.

Below Senior Erin Diamond and Sophomore Anna Beagley chat with Ashley Mattis, a Kelley School of Business alum. Ashley Mattis later visited again to represent Discover Financial at the WIB Conference.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2012 Conference a Huge Success!

The Women in Business (WIB) Annual Conference was held on February 18th on the graduate side of the Kelley School of Business. The theme of this year’s Conference was Carpe Diem and all of the speakers throughout the day encouraged the conference attendees to seize the day not only in terms of their profession but also in terms of life in general. Several great speakers presented during the 2012 Conference including Ron Hoven of Eli Lilly & Co.,
Joy Falotico of Ford North America,
Kelley Professor Tatiana Kolovou, and
Susan Pickett of Macy’s Inc. The speakers gave professional advice to the WIB members and shared their personal experiences with the women. The Conference also included a mini career fair with companies including Target, Ernst & Young, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Discover, and many more. WIB members were able to interact one on one with the recruiters and work on their networking skills. After the career fair, the recruiters gave the group feedback on what they did well as a group and what they can improve upon. The Women in Business benefited tremendously from this year’s Conference and they gained much insight on how to seize the day and take advantage of all of their opportunities and talents. A special thanks goes out to the sponsors and the Conference Planning Committee for making the day such a success!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WIB Members Fine Tune Their Resumes!

Women in Business (WIB) hosted a professional development event on January 25th to help new members create and fine tune their resumes. At the Resume Workshop, Senior and Junior WIB members shared their resume expertise with the new freshman and sophomore members. WIB members spent time structuring their resumes to show off the many talents that they possess and their several accomplishments while at Indiana University. The young WIB members are now eager to start dispersing their perfected resumes in hopes of gaining internship and job opportunities. A special thanks goes out to all of the older members for sharing their time and knowledge with the new WIB members.  "I'm so glad I went," says WIB freshman Lindsey Ellington "it was really helpful."